You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers!
You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers!
As a subscriber, you must be 18+ or have received permission from a parent, legal guardian or anyone authorized to pay your bill.
Our service is compatible with all mobile devices (smartphones, tablets and feature phones). The best user experience is through smartphones and requires 3G and up.
You visited one of our promotional pages and clicked on the subscription button.
The service costs $6.99/month. This rate is mentioned on the promotional page that you were subscribed from.
Get in touch with our Customer Care Team.
Charges will appear on your wireless phone bill or be deducted from your balance
1) Visit the iTunes App store or Google Play store
2) Grab the username & password sent via SMS
3) Open the Hopster app and use the information sent to you to log-in.
Our dedicated Customer Care team is happy to answer all your questions and solve all issues.